2007年、ポーランドの「6p-records」よりヒット作『Take it back』を12inch vinylでリリース以来、繊細かつ大胆なトラックメイクでチャートを賑わし続けている。幾多のオリジナルワーク、リミックスを経て、2011年にはポルトガルのハードテクノレーベル「Envenom」から『Marvelous EP』をリリース。Amazon ダンス・エレクトロニカチャートでは首位を独走し続けた。さらには国内屈指のテクノレーベル「PLUS Records」から『Explorer EP』をリリースし、代官山Airにて開催された同レーベル主宰「PLUS TOKYO」にてライブパフォーマンスも披露。さらに同年には特に海外から高い評価を得た『Nano Metal EP』をリリースし、上海ツアーを大成功に導いた。単なるDJやトラックメーカーとは一線を画す活動をデビュー以来ストイックに続けている。同時に舞台やムービーへの楽曲提供も多数、各方面からのオファーも絶えず話題には事欠かない。2014年には「Sound & Recording Magagine」主宰 《the HIATUS 「Thirst」リミックスコンテスト》では幾多に及ぶ応募のなかからNo.1となるグランプリを受賞、2019年8月には韓国出身の男性ダンスヴォーカルグループ「SUPERNOVA」の1stアルバム「PAPARAZZI」収録の「Cruisin’」で作曲編曲を担当、クラブシーンを飛び出した活躍にも注目が集まっている。今野サトシは商業的な躍進と現場主義的な職人性を併せ持つ稀有な存在ながらも、次世界の音楽を探究し続ける「現在進行形」のアーティストである。
In 2007, he released the hit song “Take it back” from Poland-based 6p-records on 12inch vinyl, and has continued to liven up the charts as a sensitive and daring track maker.He released not only many original works and remixes, but also “Marvelous EP” from Envenom, the Portuguese-based hard techno label in 2011.His songs continued to monopolize the chart-topper in the Amazon Dance Electronica Chart. In addition, he released “Explorer EP” from Japanese leading techno label, PLUS Records, and performed live at PLUS TOKYO which was presided over by the said label held at Daikanyama Air.In the same year, he released “Nano Metal EP”, which was highly gained international recognition, and led the Shanghai tour to a tremendous success.As a DJ, track maker, he has kept disciplined for his outstanding activities since his debut.What is more, he has provided a lot of inserted songs for plays and movies, so his works are creating a stir in different areas as well beyond the music industry.In 2014, he won the Grand Prix that corresponds to the first prize among a large number of applicants in the Remix Contest, “Thirst”, the song by “the HIATUS”, which was presided over by Sound & Recording Magagine.In August 2019, since he was in charge of composition and arrangement for “Cruisin’ ” recorded in the 1st album PAPARAZZI of the male dance vocal group, “SUPERNOVA” from Korea, has been attracting attention for his activities beyond the realm of the club scene.Satoshi Imano is a progressive artist who continues to explore the music of the next world, despite being a rare artist who has both a mind for commercial breakthroughs and a hands-on artisan spirit.

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