


1998年にスウェーデンのメーカー「ボブルビー」が初めて世に送り出したこのモデルは、当初から独創的なデザインと機能性で注目を集めた。現在では「BOBLBEE 25L」として知られるこのバッグは、ABS樹脂製のモノコックハードシェル構造を採用しており、見た目のインパクトだけでなく、耐衝撃性や防護性能も極めて高い。
その設計思想は「人と荷物を護る」という明確なコンセプトに基づいており、ヨーロッパの安全規格「EN 1621-2」の最高レベルを取得している。この規格は主にバイクライダーやスキーヤー向けのプロテクター製品に適用されるものであり、このバッグがただの収納具ではなく、安全装備としても優れていることを証明している。







The backpack that I use daily, the “BOBLBEE Megalopolis,” has become something of an iconic presence. Once a common sight in urban landscapes, it now seems to have grown rarer over the years. As a result, I often find myself being asked, “What is that backpack?” whenever I carry it. Today, I’d like to delve into the details of this distinctive bag and share my personal customizations.

BOBLBEE Megalopolis: Overview and Features

First introduced in 1998 by the Swedish manufacturer BOBLBEE, this model immediately captured attention with its innovative design and functionality. Now known as the “BOBLBEE 25L,” the bag features a monocoque hardshell structure made of ABS resin. Its striking appearance is matched by its exceptional shock resistance and protective capabilities.The design philosophy behind this bag is built on a clear concept: “To protect both people and their belongings.” It meets the highest level of the European safety standard EN 1621-2, a certification typically applied to protective gear for motorcyclists and skiers. This proves that the bag is not just a storage tool but also an advanced piece of safety equipment.

From Past Glory to Its Current Standing

When I was younger, the Megalopolis was particularly popular among motorcyclists. However, its unique design and high functionality soon attracted users beyond the biking community. While it’s less frequently seen on city streets today, its unforgettable silhouette ensures that anyone who catches sight of it won’t easily forget it.

Customization: A Personal Touch

Another appeal of this bag lies in its customizability, thanks to its ABS resin material. Many users decorate their bags with stickers to express their individuality. In my case, I’ve taken inspiration from a tattoo worn by a guitarist-vocalist I deeply admire. After tracing a photo of their tattoo, I created a cutting sticker and affixed it to my bag. While many mistake the design for a dragon, it’s actually a wolf—a symbol of “the lone wolf” spirit. This resonates deeply with me as someone who often walks alone in life.This wolf motif feels perfectly suited to someone like me with few friends; in fact, I take pride in that solitude.

Conclusion: A Solitary Companion

The BOBLBEE Megalopolis is more than just a tool—it’s a form of self-expression. Its rigid form embodies both ruggedness and sophistication, functioning as a canvas that reflects the individuality of its owner. While it inevitably draws attention in public spaces, its true value lies in how it silently challenges and inspires those who carry it. To spend days with this bag is akin to engaging in an ongoing dialogue with oneself. Its solitary yet resolute presence brings meaning to my everyday life. From here on out, I intend to continue walking my chosen path alongside this “lone wolf” companion.