
実のところ、筆者はPerfumeのライブを未だ体験したことがない。しかしながら、虎ノ門ヒルズ・TOKYO NODEにて開催中の「Perfume Disco-Graphy 25年の軌跡と奇跡」なる展覧会に足を運び、彼女たちの25年に及ぶ軌跡と、身体性とテクノロジーの融合がもたらす圧倒的な表現力を目の当たりにする機会を得た。結成25周年を迎えんとするPerfumeの軌跡を、単なる回顧展に留まらず、”奇跡の同期(シンクロ)”という視点から紐解く、斬新な試みである。
展示の冒頭を飾るのは、3,600球もの球体とレーザーによって浮かび上がる巨大な光の”Aポーズ”だ。Perfumeの代名詞とも言えるこのポーズが、真鍋大度とRhizomatiksの手によって壮大なスケールで再現される様は、圧倒的な存在感を放っていた。続くPerfume Silhouette Corridorや50メートルにも及ぶ巨大年表「Perfume Chronology」は、彼女たちの軌跡を視覚的に体感させる仕掛けとなっている。

そして、25分おきに展開される「edge | 25th Anniv. Year Special Live Edition」では、別々の展示をしていたギャラリー空間全体が突如として同期し、25周年記念の特別映像が投影される。メンバーのカウントダウンから始まるこの演出は、Perfumeのライブさながらの臨場感を醸し出していた。

Truth be told, I’ve never experienced a Perfume live concert. However, I had the opportunity to visit the “Perfume Disco-Graphy: 25 Years of Trajectory and Miracles” exhibition at Tokyo Node in Toranomon Hills, where I witnessed firsthand the group’s 25-year journey and the overwhelming power of expression born from the fusion of physicality and technology. This innovative endeavor goes beyond a mere retrospective, unraveling Perfume’s trajectory as they approach their 25th anniversary through the lens of “miraculous synchronicity.”The exhibition opens with a colossal light “A-pose” created by 3,600 spheres and lasers. This iconic Perfume pose, recreated on a grand scale by Daito Manabe and Rhizomatiks, exudes an overwhelming presence. The subsequent Perfume Silhouette Corridor and the massive 50-meter “Perfume Chronology” timeline offer a visual experience of their journey.The experiential installations scattered throughout the exhibition are equally impressive. I tried the piece called “Macaroni,” unaware at the time of its secret. Little did I know that my shadow would transform into those of Perfume members and start dancing. I was simply captivated by the shadow changing in response to my movements, experiencing the synchronization of physical expression and direction. Learning this secret later only highlighted the depth of the artwork.Every 25 minutes, “edge | 25th Anniv. Year Special Live Edition” unfolds, suddenly synchronizing the entire gallery space that had been displaying separate exhibits, projecting a special 25th-anniversary video. This production, beginning with a countdown by the members, recreates the atmosphere of a Perfume live performance.Through this exhibition, I’ve resolved to experience their live performance at the next opportunity. The new frontier of expression that Perfume has pioneered transcends the boundaries of music, attempting to synchronize body, technology, and even space-time. This exhibition not only traces their 25-year journey but also suggests future possibilities, embodying the “miraculous synchronicity” itself.