The drama “The Three-Body Problem,” produced by Tencent and currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video, is remarkably faithful to the original work, with impressive visual reproduction. The scenes from the VR game “Three-Body” are particularly breathtaking, with the massive pyramids and the looming sun providing a stunning spectacle. What I find notable is that while Tencent’s version carefully preserves the atmosphere of the original, the progression of the story is quite slow. After watching about 10 episodes, the narrative is still in the early stages of the original. This pace is delightful for fans who want to immerse themselves deeply in the story, but it can also be a bit frustrating due to the slow development. However, this leisurely progression allows for in-depth exploration of the characters and attention to the finer details of the story, giving viewers the pleasure of patiently anticipating the next developments. I am both excited and anxious to see how Tencent’s version will unfold in the sequels, and I look forward to witnessing how they will bring the grand scale of the original to the screen.